interference: n. 1.冲突,抵触。 2.干涉,干预。 3.妨碍,打扰,阻碍物。 4.【物理学】干扰;干涉。 linguistic interference本族语对外语学习的干扰。 stop interference from outside 制止外来干涉。 run interference for (橄榄球赛中)保护(带球者)以防对方抢球。
Abstract : the requirement of the electrical control system of press is introduced , the formation of its plc control system and interference resistance method for designing program are demonstrated as well . fact shows that it is a useful control system 文摘:介绍了陶瓷全自动液压压砖机的电气控制要求, plc控制系统的组成,程序设计及抗干扰措施,这是一个实用的控制系统。
Abstract : this essay aims to show how watchdog technology heighten the power of the interference resistance of applied system of microcontroller , if the program “ lose control & quot; when the microcontroller is affected by powerful interference . the authors put forward some design methods of software and hardware in the essay as well 文摘:针对单片机应用系统在受到强干扰作用后程序“跑飞”现象,提出了应用“看门狗”技术提高系统的抗干扰抑制能力,并给出了相应的软、硬件设计方法。